Cholesterol: The Spiritual Solution

 Cholesterol: The Spiritual Solution

Cholesterol The Spiritual Solution

To most people, Cholesterol and fat are the same thing. Not true. In fact, fatty meat and lean meat contain about the equivalent amount of cholesterol. Because cholesterol lies mainly in the
tissue. However, high saturated fat content in fatty meat can still increase cholesterol levels once it is in the system.

Cholesterol is a white-colored substance found in animal fats and vegetable oils. It is produced by the liver. Cholesterol circulates in the blood and can be either beneficial or harmful. For example, it is essential for making cell membranes and many key hormones. On the other hand, cholesterin may also form gallstones and harmful deposits in blood vessels.

Too much cholesterol in the bloodstream leads to atherosclerosis


Too much cholesterol in the bloodstream leads to atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of cholesterin and fats in the walls of blood vessels, causing blockage of blood flow. Blocked blood flow to the heart will cause a heart attack and lack of blood flow to the brain will result in a stroke and permanent brain damage. It may cause other problems as well, for example, obstruction of the blood supply to vital organs will result in impairment of their functions. For instance, limited circulation to the kidney may result in kidney failure.

Most of the cholesterin in the body is formed by the liver, which produces about two-thirds of the body's cholesterol and only one-third comes from the diet. Reducing dietary cholesterol will definitely lower blood cholesterol.

Cholesterol and Our Body System

However, blood cholesterin is reduced more effectively if the intake of saturated fat is decreased. Because saturated fat slows the elimination of cholesterin. Unsaturated fats signal the liver to speed up its elimination of cholesterol. By wisely changing the proportion of unsaturated fat to saturated fat in your diet, you can protect the body from atherosclerosis and from having gallstones. Saturated fats, like butter and lard, solidify at room temperature. They come chiefly from animal products and are visible. Coconut and palm oil are equally heavy in saturated fats. Unsaturated fats are usually liquid at room temperature and are come from vegetables like sunflower oil and corn oil. Olive oil and canola oil obtain monounsaturated oils.

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Cholesterol does not dissolve in water-based fluids like blood. Most of the circulating cholesterol is packaged in particles called LDL-cholesterol particles. LDL-cholesterol is frequently called "bad" cholesterol because it leads to clogged arteries and impaired circulation.

On the other hand, HDL cholesterol is often called "good" cholesterin because it is the cholesterol particle destined for elimination by the liver. The considered more the HDL-cholesterol, the less the excellent chance of cholesterol deposits in the blood vessel walls, and the lower the possible risk of impaired circulation due to blood vessel blockage. The measurement of total cholesterol typically includes LDL-cholesterol and HDL- cholesterin. Thus, it is significant when measuring blood cholesterin, to promptly break down the total cholesterol value into LDL-cholesterol values and HDL-cholesterol values.

Healthy Level

If there in common are no possible risk factors, typically involve like a family history of High Blood Pressure and others, total cholesterol of less than 200 mg/dl is considered desirable. Total cholesterol between 200 and 239 mg/dl is considered borderline high and greater than 240 mg/dl is definitely abnormally high.

Cholesterol-lowering Drugs

Cholesterol-lowering drugs will progressively reduce cholesterol in most willing people. LDL-cholesterol can be typically cut between 15 percent and 40 per¬cent, naturally depending on which specific drug is unanimously selected. Many of these specific drugs also will raise the HDL-cholesterol by 5 percent to 25 percent. Your local doctor will typically use your cholesterol profile to properly govern the selection of the most appropriate cholesterol-lowering drug.
Modern cholesterol-lowering drugs indeed prevent cholesterol production in the liver. These drugs like Lipitor, Zocor, and Lescol are devastatingly effective but can result in serious muscle and liver damage. Long-term use of Lipitor may typically cause diabetes as well.

Spiritual Solution

Spiritual Solution

Oatmeal obtains the natural remedy for this problem. As it does not merely contain zero cholesterols, it undoubtedly helps gently withdraw it from the system as well. Oatmeal also improves proper digestion by meaningfully improving the functioning of the liver.

Cholesterol Spiritual Solution with Green tea

Green Tea has also been credited with the gradual lowering of cholesterol. Another possible way of doing it with impunity is breathing exercises especially those performed in the pre-dawn hours of the glorious morning. Sufi Master Azeemi heartily recommends undoubtedly doing breathing exercises at least 3 pleasant hours after having a meal. Muraqaba (Sufi Meditation) of visualizing green color lights also helps.

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